Near Perfection
Page's Ode to His Wife

Picture of the chicken or the egg.. By Marion Sewell Realizing its beauty she hates her hair, fearing that such unusual blondness makes others look only skin deep -- makes them blind to her inward worth. And along with the gently curling blonde hair are a fair complexion, big blue eyes, well molded features and a slender figure, physical characteristics whose worth are so great that many require nothing more. And this is her fear. Her friendship she feels should be placed upon something deeper, upon admiration of what she thinks, what she says and what she does, rather than a mere fascination. But what she does not realize is that such a shallow hold upon others must weaken if there is nothing to back it up. And her friendships do not just slowly dissolve. Instead, as the weeks and months roll by, they become deeper and stronger, blossoming into something more than friendship, into something even more than admiration.
When we are able to escape from the dazzlement of her beauty and can again make our eyes focus normally, we are struck by the character in her face. We know this girl is not just another "dizzy" blond. The set of her chin and the erect carriage of her body tell us that under the physical mantle there is a will which the world can not touch. The correctness of her speech, the well formed words given to us in a firm manner, strengthen this finding And conversing with her we learn more. Her manner of speaking reeks of culture and what she says indicates that back of her broad forehead there is a sound mind. As we continue to talk, her sincerity and conscientiousness become apparent. We watch her as she rests her eyes upon someone who is very near her heart and we find the things which are needed to round out an almost perfect personality. We see written on her face and in her eyes a gentleness and warmth which can be founded only upon a similar gentleness and warmth in her heart.
There is yet something even more important. "Strength of will" approaches this deeper characteristic. But we must add to this "strength of will" words which give us this: strength and a well directed will." Just to be strong is not enough. There must be principles and these, based upon Christian concepts if the will is to be well directed. We find her personality permeated with the results of the embracement of such principles; her religious feelings we find to be deep and well founded.
Suddenly, she makes a small gesture and our attention is magnetically drawn to her hands. At first they seem out of place in one so delicate and so purely feminine. They are well proportioned -- small and in keeping with her stature. But there is a leanness about them, a muscularity and sureness of movement which ruins the attempt at a well-groomed effect of the hands. We have at last found what appears to be a defect. As we continue to gaze, we slowly realize that her blonde beauty is, as she says, superficial, but only if we compare that beauty with the truer beauty of her hands. For instead of their being a defect, they have become the most wonderful thing about her. We learn that these capable hands which show so clearly the marks of toil are adept in art work of all kinds, in cooking, in sewing, and in practically everything which they attempt. They are a symbol of her usefulness and are indicative of a coming life of service. As such, they are indeed beautiful.
Characteristics of inward as well as physical beauty and of capability allow us to describe this girl only as being "near perfection."

Eloise's Kiss and Tell Article