Numerological Sator
S1 |
A1 |
T2 |
O6 |
R9 |
A1 |
R9 |
E5 |
P7 |
O6 |
T2 |
E5 |
N5 |
E5 |
T2 |
O6 |
P7 |
E5 |
R9 |
A1 |
R9 |
O6 |
T2 |
A1 |
S1 |
Each letter of the Sator-Rotas Square above is listed with its Numerological equivalent. Amazingly each word in the square works out to the basic digit of One. In Numerology the number One is considered to be the origin and common measure of all things.
It is undivisable and cannot be multiplied by itself. In the world there is one God, one sun, one moon. Just as in the netherworld there is one sovereign prince.
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